Using Story Element Card Templates
Story Element Card Templates allow you to quickly build out your elements in detail.
Template Cards in Story Elements can help you develop your characters and world by providing you with suggestions on what to write. There are a set of templates available for each of the four types of Story Elements: Characters, Settings, Objects, and Custom.
Each Card Template contains instructions for what you should fill in for that card. For example, the “Hobbies & Abilities” template on the Character element type includes this instruction: “List the character's hobbies, such as reading, painting, gardening, or educational interests. Include any skills or abilities they've learned from these activities.”
Things to Know
- Only Pro users can add card templates to Story Elements
How to Add a Card Template
Open a project from the Your Projects page of the app. Navigate to the “Plan” tab and select a Story Element.
Click the “View Card Templates” button. This will open a modal with a list of card templates available for that Story Element type. Check the box(es) next to the card templates you want to add to your element. Then, click the “Add to” button to save them to your element.
Managing Story Element Card Templates
You can delete cards by selecting the three dot menu in the right hand corner of each card. Select “Delete” from the dropdown menu to remove the card from your board.
You can also duplicate a card by selecting “Duplicate” from the dropdown menu, or change the outline color of the card.
Cards cannot currently be moved around the Story Element board.
Card Template Types
Character Cards
Character Story Elements have the following Card Templates:
- Academic Life
- Backstory
- Beliefs & Culture
- Description
- Goal
- Hobbies & Abilities
- Language & Titles
- Likes & Dislikes
- Personal Details
- Professional Life
- Relationships
- Role & Life
Setting Cards
Setting Story Elements have the following Card Templates:
- Culture & Traditions
- Demographics
- Description
- Economy & Currency
- Geography
- Government
- History
- Magic & Abilities
- Religion & Spirituality
- Significance
- Social Issues
- Technology & Innovation
Object Cards
Object Story Elements have the following Card Templates:
- Craftsmanship
- History
- Magical & Special Properties
- Ownership
- Properties
- Purpose
- Value & Significance
- Weapons & Armor
Custom Cards
Custom Story Elements have the following Card Templates:
- Codes of Law
- Cultural Norms
- Description
- Festivals & Holidays
- Gender Roles
- Language & Dialects
- Magic System
- Myth & Folklore
- Origins
- Purpose
- Religious Practices
- Secret Societies
- Species
Once you’ve added a Card Template to your Story Element, you can write in it like any other card.